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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello there,

I am just starting to design my homepage, so I just have this message as of now. I am a medical student and I edit what I can on the anatomy sections of wiki (specifically the musculoskeletal system).

I am also a computer and math enthusiast.

I know this homepage is boring as of now...but I will make it look more aesthetic in the future. If you wish to contact me, just leave a message and I will get back to you. I am always looking for stuff to do despite the fact that I am busy so don't hesitate to bombard me with anything.

In the words of the famous mathematician, G. H. Hardy said "It is never worth a first class man's time to express a majority opinion. By definition, there are plenty of others to do that." If you have never heard of G. H. Hardy, shame on you...click that wiki link.