
This user has administrator privileges on the English Wikipedia.
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To search for a topic in a specific namespace, precede the topic with that namespace's prefix, followed by a colon. If the topic has a page with that name, pressing Enter will take you right to it. Otherwise, a list of relevant search results will appear.

For example, one way to get a listing of articles on ancient Greece is to type Category:Ancient Greece in the search box. To go to the portal for the Ancient Greeks, you would type: Portal:Ancient Greece.

The namespace prefixes are: Category:, Portal:, File:, User:, Talk:, Wikipedia:, Help:, Book:, Draft:, and Template:.

You can also search in sister projects by using the full name of the sister project, or its abbreviation (e.g.- Wiktionary: or wikt:).

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Mlaffs (talk · message · contribs · global contribs · deleted contribs · page moves · user creation · block user · block log · count · total · logs · summary · email | lu · rfas · rfb · arb · rfc · lta · checkuser · spi · socks | rfar · rfc · rfcu · ssp | current rights · rights log (local) · rights log (global/meta) | rights · renames · blocks · protects · deletions · rollback · admin · logs | UHx · AfD · UtHx · UtE)

Yeah, one of these days I might write something about myself ...

Articles I've started[edit]

A pitiful little list, I know — that's why I self-identify as a WikiGnome. However ...

My first stab at serious content work[edit]

Shiny stuff[edit]

An overview of the kindness and thanks that have been directed my way by other members of the community, for which I'm grateful.

Awards and barnstars

A little dab'll do it[edit]

Dab pages that I've cleared of links, and that I'll be watching ...

Plus, every single dab page involving a U.S. radio or TV station base call sign!

My Subpages[edit]