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Who I Am[edit]

By day, a mild-mannered technical services librarian at a community college district in Texas. You can find some materials related to those pursuits here.

After hours, I am a virtual reference librarian, providing online library reference services in English and Spanish for a wide variety of libraries as part of a group of contractors called Librarians By Request. I contribute to a blog on virtual reference -- please stop by.

Why I'm Here[edit]

My reasons for finally getting off my virtual butt and getting involved in Wikipedia are best summed up in this blog entry. Long story short: it was a direct result of the formation of Wikipedia:WikiProject Librarians, which really got me thinking about the reasons why librarians should get involved in Wikipedia instead of carping from the sidelines.

Librarians and Wikipedia[edit]

I've been collecting some more extensive reflections on why Librarians should consider being Wikipedians, and I've moved them to User:Lukethelibrarian/Librarians and Wikipedia.

What I've Done So Far[edit]

Not much so far...

Current Tasks[edit]

Future Possibilities[edit]