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link = Wikipedia:IRCThis user monitors channels on IRC, under the nickname FlightTime.

See also[edit]

Channel connections[edit]

Channel Description
##FlightTime connect My private channel. Anybody is welcome to stop in and say Hi
#wikimedia-rename connect Global renamers and stewards may contact each other via the IRC channel or via the private mailing list.
#wikimedia-otrs connect A public channel for matters related to the Volunteer Response Team (was OTRS, now VRT) and its volunteers.
#huggle connect Support for the tool Huggle.
#wikipedia-en-help connect Help channel for Wikipedians. Helpers are voiced, a setting that lets what they say be seen by everyone in the channel. Request a cloak to be voiced automatically (if you have autovoice on your account already, identify to NickServ by typing /msg NickServ identify <nick> <password> to activate it). More information can be found on its page.
#wikipedia-en connect General chat focusing more on the English-language Wikipedia.

IRC commands[edit]

IRC commands
  • /msg nickserv identify password - You only have to register your nickname once. Every other time you connect from that point on, you need to prove who you are, with this command. Use /msg NickServ identify FlightTime <password>
  • /msg chanserv op #chatroom nickname Sets you as channel operator. Use /msg chanserv op ##FlightTime FlightTime
  • /msg chanserv flags #channel yournick +O This command will auto-op you in channels you have operator status. Also see why this set might not be a good idea. Use /msg chanserv flags ##FlightTime FlightTime +O

Operator commands[edit]

Various IRC clients have different commands. Most of the commands in this list should work on all popular IRC clients, but there may be additional commands available or alternate syntax for these commands. If there are multiple commands listed and one command fails to work, try using another to accomplish the same result. Consult your IRC client's manuals, help files, or a general IRC reference for more information about these commands and other command interfaces.

To kick a user (either)
/kick #wikimedia jwales
/kick jwales
To ban a user[1]
/mode #wikimedia +b nick!user@host
To quickly kick and ban a user[2]
/kickban jwales
Ban a specific hostname of an unregistered nickname, regardless of current nickname
/mode #mychannel +b *!*@*.bar.example.org
/mode #mychannel +b *!*@foo.bar.example.org
To silence a user
/mode #wikimedia +q nick!user@host
To lock the topic[3]
/mode #wikimedia +t
To switch to "moderated" channel mode[4]
/mode #wikimedia +m
To voice a user in moderated channel mode
/mode #wikimedia +v jwales
/voice jwales
/msg chanserv voice #wikimedia jwales
To remove operator privileges
/mode #wikimedia -o jwales
/deop jwales
/msg chanserv deop #wikimedia YourNickname
To verify that a user is registered, and determine their account name
/msg nickserv info Nickname
To permanently invite a user to a private channel (channel mode +i, invite-only)
/mode #wikimedia-staff +I $a:NickServAccountName
To revoke a permanent invitation in a private channel
/mode #wikimedia-staff -I $a:NickServAccountName
To add someone to a channel's access list (helps with management of permissions especially in large channels)

NOTE: On Libera.chat the "access" command is not a valid chanserv command. You need to use the "flags" command instead!

/msg chanserv flags #wikimedia-staff NickServAccountName +Aeiotv
To revoke a user's access to a channel
/msg chanserv flags #wikimedia-staff NickServAccountName -*
To rename & redirect a channel to a new name[5]
/msg chanserv op #oldchannel
/msg chanserv op #newchannel
/topic #oldchannel We have moved to #newchannel, please type /join #newchannel to get to us
/msg chanserv SET #oldchannel GUARD ON
/msg chanserv SET #oldchannel MLOCK +tnsmif #newchannel
/msg chanserv SET #oldchannel TOPICLOCK ON
/msg chanserv SET #oldchannel PRIVATE ON

All channel modes will remain set until removed, with the exception of voice status and operator privileges, which will also be removed if the user in question leaves the channel. Modes can be un-set by using a – instead of a +, or by using an IRC client command such as /unban.


  1. ^ Banning a user only prevents their entry. They must be kicked separately.
  2. ^ Depending on your client, the ban may be set on the user's nickname, host, or username+host combination. You may be able to adjust this. (For example, in irssi, /set ban_type host.) Consult your IRC client's documentation.
  3. ^ Locking the topic prevent non-ops from changing it (useful if a topic war is ongoing)
  4. ^ In a moderated channel, no one can talk unless they are an operator or are voiced (mode +v). This is usually an extreme measure, since it prevents people from using the channel. Use with discretion.
  5. ^ Copied from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/MovingChannels