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I'm fairly multi-purpose... If I had an area of expertise, it would be Parasychology. When I was younger, I became involved in the scetchy, crazy, light-a-candle-and-talk-to-dead-people occult view of the paranormal, which thankfully led to dissapointment and an interest in the skeptic's side of the argument. The unanswered questions from that end led me back around to the believer's standpoint, albeit a less insane part. I did a huge research project on the subject and was mentored by Jim Hall, co-director of Haunted North Carolina [1].

Also, I hate ignorant people. This is not to say that I don't have my own particular ignorances, but everybody has them, and it can't be helped. I suppose that deserves some explination: I do not hate myself, or my particular ignorances. The ignorance I hate is when (true story from high school) you are engaged in a conversation about quantum physics in your English class, because your teacher is just sort of spacey, and some kid pipes up and says that he doesn't believe in quantum physics because the bible doesn't say anything about it. See? Ignorance, and easily corrected ignorance.