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-*Ultimate Ecstasy* ("The Experience of Nectar") As a truth seeker, the holy company & spiritual literature help me lot, While going through this “Anubhav Amrut “ I got glimpse of joy and change the concept of life, to share this joy, I , tried to put this in front of you honorably.

 Before entering in to the subject it is to be state that it is not a word to word translation,,&  the meanings of the Title, One of the great  sant in Maharashtra (India) put his Experience of  joy in the words name “Amrut Anubhav” Amrut means  (Nectar which translated as immortal Nectar in Sanskrit) & Anubhav means Experience that the  ‘Experience of  nectar, Ultimate Ecstasy. 
                                       -----  Krishna Jinaral

1. Existent, Consciousness and Matter That which existed in the past, which exists now, and will continue to exist in future without ever changing its nature or ever undergoing any transformation is real that is “Existent”. Anything that does not satisfy this condition comes under unreal.

 The unreal may not be absolutely non-existent, but if anything exists for some time and then disappears again or undergoes any change, it belongs to the category of unreal that is “Matter”. And such is the case with the entire phenomenal world without any exception, Certain things are absolutely unreal, cannot exist under any circumstances at any time ; for example, castle in the air, horns of a hair, son of a barren woman, etc. These words do not convey any meaning and have no objective counterpart. We can imagine a castle in the air, no doubt, but we can never live in it! As distinct from these there are things that may be put under the category of empyreal reality; they are proved to be unreal only on the realization of the absolute Reality. 
  This phenomenal universe which we perceive falls under the category of empyreal reality, and persist until the dawn of the highest Knowledge, the light of which dispels even the shadow of this phenomenal world, even the shadow of our own phenomenal Existent. In our personality there is the consciousness of that which is ultimately real………Mixed up with the consciousness (combination with Matter) is a, which comes under empyreal reality 

So our ordinary consciousness is a combination of pure Consciousness (Existent) and relative Subject-object consciousness The link between our experience of the world and the experience of the Self (Existent) lies not on the side of the phenomenon, but on the side of that which persists under all circumstances, both in the relative and in the absolute states. Our Self-Consciousness is not altogether wrong, but it consists of real elements (Existent) and false elements (Matter) (From—Meditation & spiritual life, by-Swami Yatishwarananda)

 Which latter has to be eliminated through realization and that is the, Ultimate Execstecy…!!!!!!

__________________________________________________________________ Creation: Prakruti-Purusha (Male &Female) One energy with many names and forms: There is one energy that keeps taking on new shapes and forms. In Tantra the name of that energy is Prkruti Shakti (Female) , which is the manifesting, or feminine force that is actually one and the same with its only apparent companion Purusha Shiva, (Male) the latent, or masculine. Each time the energy takes on a new form, we give it a new name. The subtle energies condense and become known as earth, water, fire, air, and space, forming our experience of the gross world. Seek to experience that one energy: To know, in direct experience, that unchanging truth, the one energy that is the substratum of all of the names and forms, is one of the ways of describing the universal goal of spiritual life. It is the experience of the union of Shakti and Shiva, creation and its ground, feminine and masculine, even though they were never actually divided in the first place. It is like wetness that is never separate from water, sweetness that is never separate from sugar, and warmth that is never separate from sunlight.

“In this world, greatest knowledge which gives ultimate joy and is itself is self existed.”

1. “In this world, ‘matter and Existent’, equally coincides to each other, they are one, although feel like two.” 2. “Matter and Existent on their original forms, on infinite God, shows their unity, they are the parents of this world, to understand the reason of their Existent, and to take the knowledge of their being, I salute them.” 3. “Without disturbing his oneness, with his own Existent with the waves of love. “He” created the Matter.” 4. “Matter and Existent. They in their own interest merge in to each other and form the duality as of in the World.” 5. “They look like one, but are not one, how is their form and their relations with each other, we cannot understand it! “. 6. “Oh! See, how they form duality to enjoy in this world.” 7. “They exist with one light, remains on the same base, and together.” 8. Their Existent is due to one light only.” 9. To enjoy their duality, they created themselves.” 10. Their Existent is relative, male exist relatively to female, and hence they are life for each other.” 11. They love each other and delivered this big world.” 12. They do not create even a steak of grass without each other.” 13. Their Existent is relative, hence they disappears with each other,” 14. They always remain merged in to each other, but shows duality in the world. 15. They are ‘lover’ of each other and hence they are pleasure to each other. 16. They exist in this world, like two flowers but fragrance is own, two lips but speech is one, two eyes but viewer one. 17. They are one, the part of each other. 18. They keep oneness even though they form duality; they experience their oneness in the form of duality.” 19. They cannot be separated from each other hence to know how they are, I salute them!!! 20. **If we try to analyses it, it is like inner space after peel off the onion, and this inner space after total peel off becomes one with the outer space.

to be continued...... — Preceding unsigned comment added by Krjinara (talkcontribs) 08:28, 25 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]