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Draft:Assistive Artificial Intelligence

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Assistive artificial intelligence is one of various categories in Artificial intelligence (AI). Contrary to Generative AI, Assistive AI presented many advantages such as speech recognition, facial recognition, sentence completion etc. It is technological computing process that incorporates the use of sensors to detect and respond to visual and audible data. Another category related to assistive AI is smart technology. In the early part of 2000's, major telecommunication companies began the development of devices that could do advanced scans of data ascribed to graphics or audio and produce details or analysis about the data. Not only could a program analyze a file, with the incorporation of AI, the program could now make decisions about how to treat or utilize the data. This became a major technological revolution, because this imparted the computation process with the function of interpreting and distinguishing informational context from data. Devices could now scan or consume a random file and determine whether it was graphical or or audio. Assistive artificial intelligence was a product of three major technological breakthroughs, namely; telecommunications, big data, convergence.
