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Hello. I am a regular long-time wikipedia user who has decided to start editing articles for readability (since 2001). I am English. English is my first language. I also create links where I think they are appropriate.

This user is against the Proliferation of Arms and Boxen, but the world isn't perfect. Yet.[edit]

This user believes free images should be moved to the Commons.
This user is interested in history.
This user is a Japanophile.
This user is a fan of Noam Chomsky.
This user is interested in the European Labour Movement and Socialism.
This user subscribes to a Marxian interpretation of economics.
This user supports LGBTIA rights.
This user is an internationalist.
This user thinks nationalism is outdated.
This user supports the
Anti-globalization movement.
This user supports free software.


This user was a member of WikiProject Persondata.