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HadIt.com Veterans

Theresa M. Aldrich "Tbird" Founder and Creator HadIt.com Veteran To Veteran LLC 1997 - 2023

Vice President of Information Technology HadIt.com Veterans 501(3)c Nonprofit 2023 - Current

Navy Veteran E-6 AZ1 1983 - 1990

Disabled Veteran

HadIt.com Veterans: A History of Veteran Support Online

HadIt.com Veterans has a rich and inspiring history dating back to 1997, making it one of the very first veteran-to-veteran communities online dedicated to navigating the VA disability claims process. Here's a timeline of its key milestones:
1995: Theresa "Tbird" Aldrich, a veteran struggling with her own VA claim, begins gathering information and building a small website on her internet service provider account.
1997: Tbird registers HadIt.com and moves her site, driven by the frustration of navigating the claims process and a desire to help others.
Early years: HadIt.com grows organically, offering resources, information, and a forum for veterans to connect and share experiences. Tbird gathers information from diverse sources, including directly contacting state VA departments.
1998: Facing personal challenges, Tbird works remotely on the site while seeking therapy and rebuilding her life. Despite this, the website continues to gain traction.
2003: Tbird purchases her own home with a VA loan, further showcasing the positive impact of her work.
2005: HadIt.com adopts a new forum solution, InvisionCommunity, providing a more robust platform for user interactions.
2022: HadIt.com celebrates its 25th anniversary and faces online attacks targeting its ranking and Tbird personally.
February 2023: Recognizing the need for sustainability, Tbird transitions ownership of HadIt.com to a dedicated non-profit organization. Rattler, a long-time member, takes the lead.
Present: HadIt.com continues to operate under the non-profit, offering valuable resources and support to veterans navigating the VA system. Tbird remains involved, sharing information and contributing to the community.

HadIt.com Veterans - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/zactco Our 21 Year Anniversary - HadIt.com Veteran to Veteran - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/a528239

HadIt.com Veteran to Veteran Changes Ownership - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13649870/

Additional notes:

HadIt.com currently operates two websites: hadit.com for information and community.hadit.com for the forum.

Tbird is writing her memoirs, offering detailed insights into the creation and early years of HadIt.com.

I hope this summary provides a good overview of HadIt.com Veterans' history!