Qian Jianan

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Qian Jianan is a member of Shanghai Writers Association. Her works won the thirty-fourth session of Taiwan's "Times Literary Award" short story Jury Award and were twice nominated for literary prize Lin Yu Tang final review. Her translation of the novel "Pink Hotel" ([English] Anna Stothard, Sichuan Literature and Art Publishing House) appears more commonly in the works of "Shanghai Literature" "Fu Rong" "Mengya" "Li" and other publications.[1]


Qian Jianan was born in Shanghai in late 1980s. She graduated from Department of Chinese Studies of Fudan University. She is currently doing an MFA degree in Iowa Writers' Workshop.


  • Release 《人只会老,不会死》。 (Rén zhǐ huì lǎo, bù huì sǐ)[2]


External links[edit]

Official website