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Draft:Cybersecurity and AI

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Benefits of AI for cybersecurity[edit]

The number of ways that AI will affect cybersecurity are innumerable to count, both positive and negative. AI is a game-changer in cybersecurity and will only grow to define what the tech landscape will look like in the near future. With its potential to improve security measures, it also poses significant risks.

Benefits of AI for cybersecurity[edit]

Artificial intelligence has a multitude of purposes, especially for use by cybersecurity companies and professionals. To combat cyber-attacks, AI usage has been increasing significantly as more tools become available.  Google fraud czar Shuman Ghosemajumder has said that AI will be used to completely automate most cyber security operations over time. Some of the machine learning use cases for AI in this industry include.

  • Security incident and attack modeling: - This term relates to strategies for understanding and preemptively addressing potential threats to information systems. This involves creating frameworks to understand and visualize potential security breaches. Artificial Intelligence becomes relevant for these tasks, by using sophisticated algorithms to analyze historical data and identify patterns of malicious activity.
  • Anomaly detection and response: - Using artificial intelligence, anomaly detection systems learn typical patterns of behavior and raise alerts when cyber threats arise. The response aspect is automated to stop these threats without human involvement. Automated response allows AI to quickly detect and respond to unusual activities before they escalate into security incidents.
  • Network and Endpoint Protection: - Artificial Intelligence aids network & endpoint protection by continuously analyzing network traffic, identifying patterns indicative of potential threats, and swiftly responding to mitigate risks. Known as intrusion detection systems, they don't require human involvement, greatly increasing response times and threat levels.

Drawbacks of AI for cybersecurity[edit]

AI, however, is also a threat to our current cybersecurity landscape. Cybercriminals are already making use of brand-new models to create and launch stealthier and more sophisticated cyberattacks. They are also using it to evade and bypassing security measures. A few other risks proposed are:

  • Deep fakes and impersonation attacks: AI are being used to copy vocal tone and speech patterns as well as the facial expressions of people. The dangers of this would be the impersonation of high-ranking executives, celebrities, or other influential people. This can and is currently being used to manipulate or deceive victims, such as by requesting unauthorized fund transfers, spreading misinformation, or influencing public opinion. (2)
  • Spear-phishing and social engineering attacks: AI can be used to draft highly personal and convincing spear-phishing messages that target specific individuals and organizations. They are used to lure them into clicking malicious links, infected attachments, or to disclose sensitive information. (4) AI is also being used to automate and scale up attacks, with many malicious individuals using tools such as Worm-GPT, a black-hat generative AI tool, to generate phishing emails, business email compromise (BEC), and other types of cybercrime. (5)
  • Data tampering and manipulation attacks: AI are being used to tamper with or manipulate a system’s data, by altering, deleting, or inserting misleading information. This in particular may have serious implications, with mass amounts of misinformation flooding the internet. This could have serious consequences, affecting decision-making, causing financial losses, promoting conspiracy theories, or compromising the reputation of an individual. (3) This may be of particular concern to crowd dependent databases, such as Wikipedia, being flooded with false information faster than volunteers can keep up with. (1)

Impacts on cybersecurity in the future[edit]

Technology constantly advances rapidly, and cybersecurity has become crucial in our daily lives. So much data is being stored on our devices that cyber-attacks are becoming more accessible and easier. Hackers are constantly improving their abilities as well. Everyone must take cybersecurity more seriously.

Creating stronger passwords, using two-factor authentication, and regularly updating software will help prevent any attacks. In the future, companies should invest their time and money into preventing all cyber-attacks. Large organizations are at the biggest risk, so using AI as a form of cybersecurity is recommended. Organizational preparedness is essential for managing cyber risks effectively. They must also prioritize employee training and awareness to ensure all staff members understand the importance of cybersecurity.

Implementing firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and AI defense mechanisms. Regular software updates and security patches protect systems against the latest threats.

The World Economic Forum uses a defend fortress approach to cybersecurity. It has emphasized the need to shift towards accepting ongoing cyber risk. The shift requires organizations to focus on fighting back rather than just playing defense.

Passwords might become nearly useless as advanced authentication methods are being actively developed. Facial recognition and fingerprint scanning are becoming more widespread and are expected to replace traditional passwords. This will help with hacks and other attacks.

Teaching the new generations about cybersecurity will also prevent this because they will be well-informed and knowledgeable. Starting courses for younger adults on cybersecurity would benefit all.

It is essential to create immunity to all cybersecurity attacks by implementing practices like AI cybersecurity among all communities and organizations, regardless of location or economic status. This will not only help individuals protect themselves but will also contribute to creating a safer cyberspace for everyone.


  1. How AI can be a force for good – or evil – in cybersecurity - Artificial Intelligence And Cybersecurity: For Good Or Evil? (forbes.com)
  2. Generative AI Is The Next Tactical Cyber Weapon For Threat Actors (forbes.com)
  3. Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity: A Survey - A Survey of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
  4. Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity: Opportunities and Challenges - AI in Cybersecurity: Opportunities & Challenges | Techgenies
  5. WormGPT: A Generative AI Tool for Cybercrime - WormGPT - The Generative AI Tool Cybercriminals Are Using to Launch BEC Attacks | SlashNext