Draft:Are Set Bedtimes Needed

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Are Set Bedtimes Needed

The role of sleep is critical in regulating the body's temperature and blood sugar levels, which reduces risk of heart attack. The circadian rhythm is your internal clock, it is deeply affected by a lack of sleep, and not having a proper bedtime. Having a bedtime will significantly increase the effect of just sleeping. We should have an early bedtime and an early time to get up, just as Benjamin Franklin once said, “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Consistently failing to get enough sleep can result in an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and memory loss. For children, having a routine is especially important. Establishing and maintaining good sleep habits helps children fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up rested and refreshed.

Having a fixed time to get ready for retiring for the day will greatly increase your attitude. For one, going to bed and getting up at the same time every day helps keep your mental health in check, late bedtimes and shorter sleep durations are associated with increased anxiety and depression, which, in turn, increase suicidal thoughts, and an elevated likelihood of engaging in risky behavior causing an increased risk of traffic crashes. A lack of sleep can cause many mental disorders, stress, which is a state of worry or a mental tension, anxiety makes it hard to socialize or even be happy, depression is a mental state of sadness, also, there is moodiness, irritability, impulsivity, and paranoia. Not getting enough sleep can mess with your memory too, getting enough increases the long term memory. Research has shown that sleep strengthens the neural connections that form memories. When you are sleep-deprived, those neurons are overworked and no longer function properly, affecting the way you process information and your ability to remember or learn. (piedmont.org) Your circadian rhythm, almost like an internal clock will be all messed up if you don’t have a set time for going to and getting out of bed, circadian rhythms dictate multiple processes in the body, including alertness or sleepiness, appetite, and body temperature. The body’s internal clock is naturally aligned with the cycle of day and night. Circadian rhythms can be disrupted by travel, work, or an underlying issue. Maintain a prime circadian rhythm by keeping a consistent sleep schedule, getting light exposure, and exercising daily.

Your physical health also is influenced by the amount of sleep, and the repetition of a healthy bedtime, you get, sleep is among the most powerful tools to improve physical health. During sleep, the body undergoes critical repair processes that help to fight illness, heal wounds, and recover from stress. Lack of sleep can increase the risk of serious health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Sleep also affects the immune system function and may influence the chances of developing life-threatening diseases like cancer. You know that sleep is a pillar of incredible health, along with a nutritious diet and regular activity. Having an ascetic bedtime teaches a person to follow a schedule. Schedules keep you in control of your life and help you reach your goals.It reduces your stress level and makes you feel more relaxed and improves your focus and productivity and creates benchmarks for your tasks. It also preserves your time and makes you more efficient, improves the quality of your mental and emotional well-being and encourages self-discipline and healthy habits.It makes you feel more accomplished and gives you a sense of security. Another thing is it all loops back, having a schedule helps you sleep better which helps you maintain a schedule.

Rapid eye movement (REM) is a sleeping effect that can turn into a disorder if let grow, that can be prevented by limiting alcohol intake and having a bedtime. During the first stage of sleep, stage one, or very light sleep, you have non-rapid eye movement (NREM), the body becomes more relaxed during this period of sleep, and brain activity begins to slow. This stage is very brief, lasting around five minutes, however when you enter stage two, light sleep, your body experiences stage one REM, during this stage of sleep, body activity and brain waves slow. People spend about half of their time sleeping in stage 2 sleep. This stage typically lasts between 10 and 60 minutes. Stage three also known as deep sleep, this stage brings about stage two REM involves slower body activity and brain waves, and shuts off communication with your spinal cord. This period of sleep is important for memory and learning. Stage 3 usually lasts 20 and 40 minutes. Stage 4 is now in effect, this is when REM sleep really kicks in, and is when body and brain activity increase. (verywellmind.com)

Having a strict bedtime will help you in all aspects of your life whether it's social, mental, or physical. Good sleep will keep you, mostly, in tip-top shape, it also helps with keeping a healthy schedule. Don’t put off going to bed today, if you do you will regret it tomorrow.Overall, it is evident that bedtimes play a crucial role in not only our everyday life but also in our head while we sleep. The analysis presented in this essay demonstrates the clear impact of sleep on every person out there. By understanding the key facts about this problem, society is better equipped to navigate rapid eye movement, non-rapid eye movement, and many other mental disorders. Moving forward, further exploration of bedtimes will yield additional insights and information about how our bodies work. As such, REM and NREM should remain a very deeply researched point for further discussions and studies.