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Today we are talking about a channel called: Airforceproud95 and how this amazing channel came to be in many peoples vision. With the first video dating all the way back to 14 years ago gaining over 30K+ views, The video is called "Delta Air Lines". And the channel would slowly but surely grow to post more videos until the first mentioning of the FSX Multiplayer game. Which is now the channels main icon (For the entertainment). Growing over the years, teenagers (Who were mature) And adults alike grew to like this channel and its most famous content being that the playlist that was added which was called "FSX Multiplayer Trolling/Chaos" Which soon grew to have over 1 Million views total for the videos. The videos featured in the playlist included videos like the very notorious "Flying a 737 through a hangar Alex Jones plays flight simulator X? (Multiplayer)" or "President Obama plays flight sim x (Multiplayer)".


Now many things may be in the light for this channel but there may be some dark things too, like the controversy being that the account on Reddit "Pewphead24" Posting "Not hating but was Airforceproud95 in the air force" Describing his claim, evidence and reasoning proves with some progress. But this channel still is great in many people's vision and other people enjoy it. Just the fact that Airforceproud95 has 1.4 million subscribers as of this very second. And many people alike would love more FSX content.


Videos mentioned in this wiki page:

[1] - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jJw0uS5Nv2k

[2] - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4D-3Yr2Px4Y&pp=ygUUQWxleCBKb25lcyBwbGF5cyBGU1g%3D

[3] - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QQ-i0ZfoQVg&pp=ygUWQmFyYWNrIG9iYW1hIHBsYXlzIEZTWA%3D%3D