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What are page history diffs?

A page history shows the order in which changes were made to any editable Wikipedia page, the difference between any two versions, and a menu of special external tools. wikEdDiff merges all edit changes in to one wide diff view. The two column raw diff view will still be displayed below the wikEdDiff version.

Easiest install is at the Gadget tab in user Preferences. Check off: wikEdDiff, improved diff view between article versions (not needed if wikEd is used); save; purge. Can also be installed as a User Script.

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To add this auto-randomizing template to your user page, use {{totd-random}}
Tomorrow's FA (Featured Article)
Beulé Gate

The Beulé Gate is a fortified gate leading to the Propylaia of the Acropolis of Athens, Greece. It was constructed largely of repurposed material taken from the 4th-century BCE Choragic Monument of Nikias and integrated into the Post-Herulian Wall, a late Roman fortification built around the Acropolis in the years following the city's sack by the Germanic Heruli people in 267 or early 268 CE. Its construction marked the beginning of a new phase in the Acropolis's use, in which it came to be seen more as a defensive position than a religious sanctuary. During the medieval period, the gate was further fortified, before being built over with a bastion in Ottoman times. The monument was discovered by the French archaeologist Charles Ernest Beulé on 29 May 1852, and excavated in 1852 and 1853. Archaeologists and Greek commentators criticised the aggressive excavation – particularly the use of explosives. In modern times, the gate has served primarily as an exit for tourists from the Acropolis. (Full article...)

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(Don't panic if the above item is in red.)

If some of the above tickle you, do check out these: User:Ira_Leviton#About_me_via_userboxes - bravo Ira :)

.gif animation of a Spirograph

How is Wikipedia considered, externally?[edit]

   * * *         Did you know that you can support Wikipedia, by becoming a fan of its Facebook Group?         * * * 
The above group has 553,705 fans, as at 4 Jan. 2011 (up from 366,372 fans as at 14 June 2010).

Favourite articles etc.[edit]

The first 60 moves of a Go game between Cho Chikun (white) and Kato Masao, animated. This particular game quickly developed into a complicated fight in the lower left and bottom. (Click on the board, to restart the play, in a larger window.)

Just a reminder to myself of what I rate as Good articles etc.

This Wikipedian recites the Wiki Prayer regularly.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the pages I cannot edit,
The courage to edit the pages I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

See also[edit]



When the Moon is closest, it is at perigee, and it looks slightly bigger from Earth. Perigee is the point at which an object makes its closest approach to the Earth. Often the term is used in a broader sense to define the point in an orbit where an orbiting body is closest to the body it orbits. The opposite is the apogee, the farthest or highest point.

This user has been on Wikipedia for 15 years, 4 months and 14 days.


Help out with pages which need copy-edit.
Most-wanted articles - some 'missing" articles are still linked 140 times!
Help with Requests for feedback, as & when I get time.
Added {{Portal box|Law}} * In re & {{Clear}} to these "In re" articles.

Wikipedia Templates and User Page Metadata[edit]