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User:Nazar/Lee Carroll

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Lee Carroll
CitizenshipUnited States
Alma materCalifornia Western University

Lee Carroll is an American channeller, speaker and author. In his books he clarifies that he is not a type of channeler who goes into trance and becomes a passive medium for another entity to communicate with our relative world, but rather "an interpreter", who remains conscious and uses his own mind to convey in the current physical reality what he receives from the "other side". In his books Lee Carroll also provides descriptions of the nature of the channeling process (both his own and that of other channelers, mediums, and clairvoyants), accordingly to which, no channeler is able to convey the received information perfectly, due to the very nature of such information. Carroll says channeled information can not be adequately translated into the notions of the time-space conditioned reality, which surrounds us. Hence, any channeling converted into words or text should not be taken literally, but rather serve as a help to tune one's subtle energy perception to the original message (which is transcendental to ordinary reality). Based on the above, Carroll dismisses many logical inconsistencies spotted both in his and other mediums' messages.


Originally an audio engineer,[1] Carroll says in his books that he began to channel communication with an entity from "beyond the veil" called Kryon in 1989. In his early books Kryon is presented as an entity from the "magnetic service", who supposedly is responsible for reconstruction of the magnetic grid of the Earth, which reconstruction is necessary in view of the changing spirituality and new evolutionary tasks of Humanity. In later books Lee Carroll describes Kryon as an angelic loving entity from the Source (or "Central Sun") who has been with the Earth "since the beginning" and belongs to the same "Family" of Archangel Michael. The context of using the words "angelic", "archangel" and others is, however, a New Age one, while traditional interpretations of these terms are reevaluated and some connotations are expanded to much broader metaphilosophical and pan-spiritual meaning. He claims the information he publishes, both printed and online, is intended to help humans "ascend to a higher vibrational level", which, accordingly to his books, is synonymous to overall mental, spiritual and physical evolution.[2]

Carroll's Kryon series introduced and elaborated a number of popular New Age concepts. Amongst them are: co-creating, a spiritual contract, karmic imprint, karmic implant, magnetic layers (strands) of human DNA, karmic groups etc.

Another topic touched in many of his books is the 2012 transition. Accordingly to Lee Carroll, Kryon's message is that 2012 transition is going to happen on the level of sub-conscious, archetypal energy and open up new avenues to the Humanity's collective mind. It marks a milestone in changing Humanity's behavioral paradigm.

Kryon's messages about Earth include, among others, the Earth being a living entity with an individual consciousness, who cooperates with the Humans. The relationship between the Earth and Humans is elaborated based on the "magnetic field" interactions.

Throughout the whole Kryon series the concept of Reincarnation is much spoken about. Many of "Kryon's messages" include subtle details on the mechanics of it, the value and purpose of human life and death etc., which are philosophically consonant with the Dharmic approaches common in Buddhism and Hinduism. The books are, however, written from a Westerner's perspective, and no direct references to the Eastern sources are made, while the Christian and Bible-based spiritual mysticism is present in the wording and expressive style.

Carroll has co-authored three books on what he terms Indigo children, a new generation of children he says represents an evolution in human consciousness,[3] and eleven books of channellings from Kryon.

According to Hay House, Carroll's publisher, he has sold over half a million books translated into 14 languages. [1]. According to David Thomas' book "Tuning In: A Journalist, 6 Trance Channelers and Messages from the Other Side", by 2011 Lee Carroll's book sales are over 1 million and he is the most famous channeler amongst those discussed in his book.[4]

As stated by the French Publisher of Lee Carroll's book, Les Éditions Ariane, Lee Carroll's presentations in multiple countries had gathered crowds up to 3000 persons.[5]

A chapter is dedicated to Lee Carroll and his Kryon channelings in a book by David Thomas entitled "Tuning In: A Journalist, 6 Trance Channelers and Messages from the Other Side", Publisher: Charlottesville, VA : Hampton Roads Pub. Co., ©2011. An online preview of the book is available from WorldCat and Google Books. Extracts are in this review.

Kryon's messages are discussed by several authors publishing in German language, like Denis Kolovrat, Barbara Bessen, Silvia Tara Glaser, Patrizia Pfister, Nama Ba Hal, Mara Ordemann, E. D. Donec, and others.[6][7][8][9][10][11]

Authors publishing on the subject in other languages include Martine Vallée, Koldo Aldai and others...[12][13][14]


Starting from 2002, some of the French media, like Sud-Ouest, fr:Le Monde de l'éducation, Le Canard enchaîné, Le Nouvel Observateur, M6 (TV channel), France 2 have presented the activities of Lee Carroll in critical light. In Le Canard Enchaîné article, e.g., seeming logical contradictions are shown in the different messages attributed to Kryon by Lee Carroll: "Tout pétri d'amour et de paix qu'il est, Kryeon sait quand même se faire respecter : ainsi il a révélé à Lee Carrol qu'il était déjà intervenu deux fois sur Terre pour procéder à "un ajustement global" : à chaque fois l'humanité s'est éteinte et seuls quelques spécimens ont survécu pour assurer la continuité de l'espèce."[15][16][17][18][19][20]

A rich collection of mainstream Frech press references to articles criticizing Kryon movement and full texts of these articles is available from Prevensectes Collection


  • Kryon--The End Times: New Information for Personal Peace (Kryon Book 1) by Lee Carroll ( 1993) Kryon Writings , ISBN 0963630423
  • The Parables of Kryon (Kryon Book 4) by Lee Carroll (2000) Hay House , ISBN 1561706639
  • Great Shift, The: Co-Creating a New World for 2012 and Beyond by Lee Carroll, Tom Kenyon, Patricia Cori, and Martine Vallée ( 2009) Weiser Books ISBN 1578634571
  • The Indigo Children Ten Years Later: What's Happening with the Indigo Teenagers! by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober ( 2009) Hay House , ISBN 1401923178
  • Lifting the Veil: The New Energy Apolocalypse by Lee Carroll ( 2007) Kryon Writings ISBN 1888053194
  • A New Dispensation (Plain Talk For Confusing Times) (Kryon) by Lee Carroll and Jill Kramer ( 2004) Kryon Writings , ISBN 1888053143
  • Indigo Celebration More Messages, Stories, and Insights from the Indigo Children by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober ( 2001) Hay House , ISBN 1561708593
  • The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober ( 1999) Hay House , ISBN 1561706086
  • Letters from Home: Loving Messages from the Family (Kryon, Book 7) by Lee Carroll ( 1999) Kryon Writings , ISBN 1888053127
  • The Journey Home: A Kryon Parable, The Story of Michael Thomas and the Seven Angels by Lee Carroll ( 1998) Hay House , ISBN 1561705527
  • Partnering With God : Practical Information for the New Millennium (Kryon Book Six) by Lee Carroll (1997) Kryon Writings , ISBN 1888053100

Interviews with Lee Carroll[edit]


  1. ^ a b "Author biography". Hay House publications. 2011. Retrieved 10 December 2011.
  2. ^ Kryon Channellings
  3. ^ "Are They Here to Save the World?" by John Leland, The New York Times, January 12, 2006
  4. ^ "Tuning In: A Journalist, 6 Trance Channelers and Messages from the Other Side", Publisher: Charlottesville, VA : Hampton Roads Pub. Co., ©2011. by David Thomas. isbn:1571746463
  5. ^ http://www.ariane.qc.ca/fr/auteur.php?idauteur=12 Les Éditions Ariane -- Lee Carroll (Kryeon)
  6. ^ Weg eines Lichtkriegers : Die verschwiegene Wahrheit über die Machenschaften des Bösen / Denis Kolovrat ISBN 978-3-8442-1015-6
  7. ^ Kryon - das Buch der Heilung / Barbara Bessen ISBN 978-3-86264-179-6
  8. ^ Cool ich bin ja auch Gott! Tara und der Engel Kryon / Silvia Tara Glaser ISBN 978-3-86582-947-4
  9. ^ Kryon - Weisheiten aus der Quelle : Kartenset mit 77 Karten / Patrizia Pfister ISBN 978-3-941363-02-1
  10. ^ Mit Kryon zu den Kraftplätzen der Templer in Deutschland / Mara Ordemann ISBN 978-3-941363-12-0
  11. ^ Channelings die die Seele berühren / gechannelt von Nama Ba Hal ISBN 978-3-9812085-2-8
  12. ^ Transition now : redefining duality, 2012 and beyond / Martine Vallée ISBN 9781578634743 1578634741
  13. ^ El gran cambio : creando un nuevo mundo para el 2012 y más allá / Martine Vallée; Grian ISBN 9788497776134 8497776135
  14. ^ Testigos de un nuevo tiempo : conversaciones con Lee Carroll (Kryon), Miyo, José Argüelles ... / Koldo Aldai ISBN 8489836698 9788489836693
  15. ^ "Sud-Ouest" newspaper. Hélène Rouquette-Valeins. «Le dossier noir des enfants Indigo», Sud Ouest du Jeudi 18 décembre 2003
  16. ^ "Les infiltrés" (France 2), le 17 décembre 2008; l'émission de David Pujadas
  17. ^ M6 TV channel, L’émission « Zone Interdite » (M6) du 30 janvier 2005
  18. ^ http://tempsreel.nouvelobs.com/societe/20040126.OBS3166/la-miviludes-alertesur-les-enfants-indigo.html La Miviludes alerte sur les "enfants indigo" « Nouvel observateur », Publié le 27-01-04 à 08:31
  19. ^ « Nouvel observateur », mai 2005, « l’école des enfants indigo »
  20. ^ Le Canard Enchaîné, 8 septembre 2004 par J.-L.P
  • Lee Carroll Biography at his own website. Accessed August 2007

External links[edit]

Category:Living people Category:Channellers Category:Alliant International University alumni