
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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function getPname() {
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// ========== Edit Section 0 ==========
function addEditSection0() {
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// ========== Add Last Diff ==========

function doLastDiff() {
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function addLastDiff() {
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// ========== Replace string ==========
// Javascript from
function replace(string,text,by) {
// Replaces text with by in string
    var strLength = string.length, txtLength = text.length;
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    var i = string.indexOf(text);
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    if (i+txtLength < strLength)
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    return newstr;

// ========== Thai to Arabic Numbers ==========
// This script converts all Thai numbers (๑ ๒ ๓) to Arabic numbers (1 2 3)
function doConvertNumber() {
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  text = replace(text,'๐','0');
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  document.editform.wpSummary.value = "เปลี่ยนเลขไทยเป็นอารบิก";
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// ========== Arabic to Thai Numbers ==========
// This script converts all Arabic numbers (1 2 3) to Thai numbers (๑ ๒ ๓)
function doConvertToThaiNumber() {
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  text = replace(text,'9','๙');
  text = replace(text,'0','๐');
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  document.editform.wpSummary.value = "เปลี่ยนเลขอารบิกเป็นไทย";
function addConvertToThaiNumber() {
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// ========== change num ==========
// This script converts all numbers (1 2 3) to all numbers + 1 (2 3 4)
function doConvertNumber() {
  text = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value;
  text = replace(text,'1','2');
  text = replace(text,'2','3');
  text = replace(text,'3','4');
  text = replace(text,'4','5');
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  text = replace(text,'6','7');
  text = replace(text,'7','8');
  text = replace(text,'8','9');
  text = replace(text,'9','10');
  text = replace(text,'10','11');
  text = replace(text,'11','12');
  text = replace(text,'12','13');
  text = replace(text,'13','14');
  text = replace(text,'14','15');
  text = replace(text,'15','16');
  text = replace(text,'16','17');
  text = replace(text,'17','18');
  text = replace(text,'18','19');
  text = replace(text,'19','20');
  text = replace(text,'20','21');
  text = replace(text,'21','22');
  text = replace(text,'22','23');
  text = replace(text,'23','24');
  text = replace(text,'24','25');
  text = replace(text,'25','26');
  text = replace(text,'26','27');
  text = replace(text,'27','28');
  text = replace(text,'28','29');
  text = replace(text,'29','30');
  text = replace(text,'30','31');
  document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = text;
  document.editform.wpSummary.value = "plus 1";
function addConvertNumber() {
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if (document.title.indexOf("Edit ") == 0) {
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  else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", addConvertNumber);

// ========== change num ==========
// This script converts all numbers (1 2 3) to all numbers - 1 (0 1 2)
function doConvertNumber() {
  text = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value;
  text = replace(text,'1','0');
  text = replace(text,'2','1');
  text = replace(text,'3','2');
  text = replace(text,'4','3');
  text = replace(text,'5','4');
  text = replace(text,'6','5');
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  text = replace(text,'8','7');
  text = replace(text,'9','8');
  text = replace(text,'10','9');
  document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = text;
  document.editform.wpSummary.value = "- 1";
function addConvertToThaiNumber() {
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