
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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function Richwales_markUsers() {
  var users = []
  var userLinks = []
  var userBlocked = {}
  var userToolTips = {}
  var userSysops = {}
  var userSysopsPlus = {}
  var userArbs = {}
  var userUnconfirmed = {}
  var userEdits = {}
  var userStyle = {}

  if (!window.mbTempStyle)
    mbTempStyle = 'opacity: 0.7; text-decoration: line-through'
  if (!window.mbIndefStyle)
    mbIndefStyle = 'opacity: 0.4; font-style: italic; text-decoration: line-through'
  if (!window.mbTipBoxStyle)
    mbTipBoxStyle = 'font-size:smaller; background:#FFFFF0; ' +
                    'border:1px solid #FEA; padding:0 0.3em; color:#AAA'
  if (!window.mbTooltip) {
    i18n = {
//     'dsb': '(blokěrowany wót $2 za traśe wót $1: $3)',
      'en': '(blocked by $2 with an expiry time of $1: $3)',
//      'eo': '(forbarita de $2 por daŭro de $1: $3)',
//      'hsb': '(zablokowany wot $2 za traće wot $1: $3)',
//      'ja': '($2によるブロック。期限:$1 理由:$3)',
//      'pt': '(bloqueado por $2 até $1: $3)',
//      'ru': '(блокировка $2 на срок $1: $3)',
//      'sv': '(har blockerats av $2 till $1: $3)',
//      'uk': '(блокування $2 на термін $1: $3)'
    mbTooltip = /* i18n[mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage')] || */ i18n.en
  appendCSS('.user-blocked-temp    {' + mbTempStyle   + '}\n' +
            '.user-blocked-indef   {' + mbIndefStyle  + '}\n' +
            '.user-blocked-tipbox  {' + mbTipBoxStyle + '}\n' +
            '.user-not-blocked      { }\n' +
            '.user-is-unconfirmed  { background-color: #ddd }\n' +
            '.user-is-new          { background-color: #fdd }\n' +
            '.user-is-sysop        { background-color: #cff }\n' +
            '.user-is-sysop-plus   { background-color: #cfc }\n' +
            '.user-may-be-arb      { background-color: #fddd77 }\n' +
            '.user-is-ordinary  { }\n');

  function apiRequest(params, callback) {
    var aj = sajax_init_object() 
    aj.onreadystatechange = function() {
      if (aj.readyState != 4 || aj.status != 200) return  
      callback(eval('(' + aj.responseText + ')')) 
    }'GET', mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?format=json&' + params, false)

  function target(link) {
    var hr = link.href;
    if (!hr || hr == '') hr = link.baseURI;
    if (hr.match(/&action=edit/) && !hr.match(/&action=edit&redlink=1/)) return '';
    hr = hr.replace(/^.*\/(wiki\/|w\/index\.php\?title=)/, '');
    hr = hr.replace(/[?&].*$/, '');
    hr = hr.replace(/_/g, ' ');
    hr = decodeURIComponent(hr);
    if (hr.match(/#/)) hr = '';
    if (hr.match(/\//) && !hr.match(/Special:Contributions\//)) hr = '';
    return hr;

  function checkLinks(namespaces) {
    var content = document.getElementById('content') ||
                  document.getElementById('mw_content') ||
    var links = content.getElementsByTagName('a')
    var ns = namespaces.query.namespaces
    var ca
    for (var i = 0; i < namespaces.query.specialpagealiases.length; i++) {
      if (namespaces.query.specialpagealiases[i].realname == 'Contributions')
        ca = namespaces.query.specialpagealiases[i].aliases
    if (!namespaces.fromcookie) {
      document.cookie = 'mbNamespaces='
            + escape([ns[-1]['*'], ns[2]['*'], ns[3]['*'], ca.join('|')].join(':'))
            + '; expires=' + (new Date((new Date).getTime() + Math.exp(20))).toGMTString()
    //   User:   User_talk:   Special:Contributions/   in canonical form, as they are in hrefs
    var isUser = new RegExp('^((' + ns[2]['*'] + '|' + ns[3]['*'] + '):|' + ns[-1]['*'] +
                                   ':(' + ca.join('|').replace(/_/g, ' ') + ')\\/)([^\\/#]*)$')
    var j = 0
    for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
      var li = links[i]
      var tli = target(li)
      if (!tli || tli == '') continue
      if (tli.match(isUser)) {
        users[j] = tli.replace(isUser, '$4')
        userLinks[j++] = li = window.mbLoadingOpacity || 0.65 // a way to mark that the data is loading
    if (j == 0) return // nobody to mark
    // performing sort and duplicate cleanup, otherwise we risk of some users being marked twice
    var usersTemp = users.join('|').split('|')
    var u = []
        u[0] = usersTemp[0]
    if (usersTemp[1]) {
      j = 1
      for (i = 1; i < usersTemp.length; i++) {
        if (usersTemp[i] != usersTemp[i-1])
          u[j++] = usersTemp[i]
    usersTemp = null

    for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
      links[i].style.opacity = '';

    // do API requests to find blocked and special users, in batches of no more than about 1000 characters each
    var query = ''
    for (i = 0; i < u.length; i++) {
      query += (query ? '|' : '') + encodeURIComponent(u[i])
      if (query.length > 1000) {
        apiRequest('action=query&list=users&usprop=groups|editcount&ususers=' + query, findSysops)
        apiRequest('action=query&list=blocks&bkprop=user|expiry|by|reason&bkusers=' + query, findBlocked)
        query = ''

    // take care of API request for any final, leftover batch of users
    if (query) {
      apiRequest('action=query&list=users&usprop=groups|editcount&ususers=' + query, findSysops)
      apiRequest('action=query&list=blocks&bkprop=user|expiry|by|reason&bkusers=' + query, findBlocked)

    // mark everyone according to results of API requests
  function findBlocked(ulist) {
    if (!ulist || !ulist.query)
    var ul = ulist.query.blocks;
    if (!ul) return;
    for (var i = 0; i < ul.length; i++) {
      var u = ul[i]
      if (u.expiry) {
        var name = u.user
        userToolTips[name] = ' ' + mbTooltip.replace('$1', u.expiry.replace(/(.*)T(.*)Z/, '$1 $2 UTC'))
                                    .replace('$3', u.reason)
        userBlocked[name] = (u.expiry.substr(0,2) == 'in') ? 'indef' : 'temp'
        // alert ('findBlocked: user ' + name + ': blocked (' + userBlocked[name] + ')')
  function findSysops(ulist) {
    if (!ulist || !ulist.query)
    var ul = ulist.query.users;
    if (!ul) return;
    var name;
    for (var i = 0; i < ul.length; i++) {
      name = ul[i].name;
      var usergroups = [];
      var gl = ul[i].groups;
      if (gl) {
        for (var gi = 0; gi < gl.length; gi++)
          usergroups[gl[gi]] = 1;
        if (usergroups['sysop'])
          userSysops[name] = 1;
        if (usergroups['checkuser'] && usergroups['oversight'])
          userArbs[name] = 1;
        if (usergroups['checkuser'] || usergroups['oversight'] ||
             usergroups['steward'] || usergroups['bureaucrat'])
          userSysopsPlus[name] = 1;
        if (! usergroups['autoconfirmed'] && ! usergroups['confirmed'])
          userUnconfirmed[name] = 1;
      userEdits[name] = ul[i].editcount;

//      var alertString = 'findSysops: user ' + name + ': ' + userEdits[name] + ' edits'
//      if (userSysops[name]) alertString += '; sysop'
//      if (userArbs[name]) alertString += '; arb?'
//      if (userSysopsPlus[name]) alertString += '; func'
//      if (userUnconfirmed[name]) alertString += '; unconfirmed'
//      alert (alertString)

  function doUserMarking() {
    var span
    for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
      var name = users[i]

      if (userStyle[name]) {
        userLinks[i].className += userStyle[name]

      var us = ''

      if (userBlocked[name]) {
        us += ' user-blocked-' + userBlocked[name]
        if (window.mbTipBox) {
          span = document.createElement('span')
          span.title = name + userToolTips[name]
          span.className = 'user-blocked-tipbox'
          span.innerHTML = '#'
          userLinks[i].parentNode.insertBefore(span, ul)
        else userLinks[i].title += tips[name]
      else us += ' user-not-blocked'

      if (userArbs[name])
        us += ' user-may-be-arb'
      else if (userSysopsPlus[name])
        us += ' user-is-sysop-plus'
      else if (userSysops[name])
        us += ' user-is-sysop'
      else if (userUnconfirmed[name])
        us += ' user-is-unconfirmed'
      else if (userEdits[name] < 100)
        us += ' user-is-new'
        us += ' user-is-ordinary'

      // alert ('doUserMarking: user ' + name + ': ' + us);
      userLinks[i].className += us
      userStyle[name] = us

  if (ca = document.getElementById('ca-showblocks'))
  var cookie = document.cookie.match(/mbNamespaces=(.*?);/)
  if (cookie) {
    cookie = unescape(cookie[1]).split(':')
      'query': {
        'namespaces': { '-1': { '*': cookie[0] }, '2': { '*': cookie[1] }, '3': { '*': cookie[2] } },
        'specialpagealiases': [{'realname': 'Contributions', 'aliases': cookie[3].split('|')}]
      'fromcookie': 1
  } else {
    apiRequest('action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=namespaces|specialpagealiases', checkLinks)
// alert ('hooking Richwales_markUsers')